last night when i heard about this new show set in paris coming to netflix i really wanted to hate it if i’m completely honest. there’s no way of saying this and not sounding like a pretentious snob, but i am so over americans in paris. just watching the trailer and hearing the main character emily (lily collins) struggle through pronouncing ‘bondzhooor’, i just didn’t think i’d be able to do it. but after seeing the first episode of emily in paris i have to say i was pretty entertained.
seeing the streets of paris and hearing those french accents really takes me back, i can’t lie. and i am pretty jealous of the fact that emily is even able to go to paris now (thanks pandemic). but in my opinion, the show was able to strike a good balance between self deprecating humor and the clear annoyance of the french characters, i found it pretty hilarious and i’m excited to see more.
i especially was laughing at some scenes that i think are all too familiar to a non-french person finding themselves in france for an extended period of time. going up to the ‘fifth floor’ which is more like an american sixth floor and not having an elevator to boot – been there done that. or french ladies who correct you when trying to order any type of pastry, how are you even expected to remember if it’s un or une?! how do i know if croissants are masculine or feminine?! but maybe what struck closest to home the most and maybe even hurt a little was the french lunch time, that is one big difference between french and american culture and it really takes some getting used to, but lunch time in france is a big affair. no one is sitting in front of their computer trying to garble down some food in between responding to emails, the french are out with their coworkers enjoying their food and probably a cigarette or two with their coffee. (don’t even get me started on the coffee breaks. hah)
i am excited to continue watching this show. so far it’s the perfect amount of cheesy/relatable and actually french to be interesting to keep watching episode two.
let me know what you thought of it in the comments!